How To Start a Service via JavaScript
// This script demonstrates how to start a service from a Deferred Mode in System Context CA.
// Technically, this can be run in immediate mode as well since it requires no access to the installer
// state to execution, but in practice you must run as Deferred in System Context to have enough
// rights to do so.
var serviceName = "service_internal_name"
var wmiRepository = null;
var wmiServices = null;
var resultEnumerator = null;
var vsilService = null;
var returnVal = 0;
wmiRepository = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\\\.\\root\\cimv2");
wmiServices = wmiRepository.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service Where Name = \"" +serviceName+ "\"");
if (wmiServices != null)
if (wmiServices.Count > 0)
resultEnumerator = new Enumerator(wmiServices);
vsilService = resultEnumerator.item();
if (vsilService.State == "Stopped")
LogMessage("Starting "+serviceName+"...");
returnVal = vsilService.StartService();
if (returnVal == 0)
LogMessage("Started service");
if (returnVal == 2)
LogMessage("Access denied starting service.");
LogMessage("Error "+returnVal+" starting service.")
// Abort uninstall since service could not be stopped
throw 3;
LogMessage("Remote execution service not startable, state "+vsilService.State);
catch (unexpectedException)
LogMessage("StopService: Error " +unexpectedException.number+ ": " +unexpectedException.message);
// Rethrow to stop uninstall
throw unexpectedException;
function LogMessage( messageString )
// Writes a line to the MSI log, or the console if running outside MSI.
var customActionName = "StartService";
if (DetectRunningInMSI())
var msiMessageTypeInfo = 0x04000000
var logRecord = null;
var currTime = new Date();
logRecord = Installer.CreateRecord(1);
logRecord.StringData(0) = currTime.toTimeString() +" "+ customActionName +": [1]";
logRecord.StringData(1) = messageString;
Session.Message(msiMessageTypeInfo, logRecord);
logRecord = null;
var currTime = new Date();
messageString = currTime.toTimeString() +" "+ customActionName +": "+ messageString;
function DetectRunningInMSI()
// Returns TRUE if running in MSI, else FALSE
var returnVal = true;
var stringVal = "";
// Try to reference the Session object, which is only provided by the MSI runtime engine
stringVal = Session.Property("ProductCode");
catch (thisException)
// An exception is only thrown if the runtime couldn't resolve Session, which means
// this script is not running under MSI
returnVal = false;
return returnVal;