How To Remove a Windows Firewall Rule

// This script removes a rule from Windows Firewall. When used as an MSI custom action, it must be run in Deferred mode,

// with it's CustomActionData set to INSTALLDIR

// It is written so it can be run outside of MSI to [vastly] simplify debugging.

var ClassName_ScriptingRuntimeShell = "WScript.Shell";

var installDir = "";

// If running in MSI, use arguments via standard CustomActionData interface, otherwise assume running outside MSI in debugger

if (DetectRunningInMSI())

installDir = Session.Property("CustomActionData");


installDir = "c:\\program files\\MyProgramDir";

installDir = EnsureEndsInBackslash(installDir);

// Don't let a failure here fail the install



RemoveFirewallRule(installDir +"MyProgramFilename.exe")


catch (unexpectedException)


LogMessage("Error " +unexpectedException.number+ " creating firewall rules: " +unexpectedException.message);


function RemoveFirewallRule( exePathname )


var firewallConfig;

var targetPolicy;

firewallConfig = SafeGetActiveXObject("HNetCfg.FwMgr");

if (firewallConfig != null)


targetPolicy = firewallConfig.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile;


LogMessage("Removed rule for "+exePathname);



function LogMessage( messageString )

// Writes a line to the MSI log, or the console if running outside MSI.


var customActionName = "RemoveFirewallRules";

if (DetectRunningInMSI())


var msiMessageTypeInfo = 0x04000000

var logRecord = null;

var currTime = new Date();

logRecord = Installer.CreateRecord(1);

logRecord.StringData(0) = currTime.toTimeString() +" "+ customActionName +": [1]";

logRecord.StringData(1) = messageString;

Session.Message(msiMessageTypeInfo, logRecord);

logRecord = null;




var currTime = new Date();

messageString = currTime.toTimeString() +" "+ customActionName +": "+ messageString;




function DetectRunningInMSI()

// Returns TRUE if running in MSI, else FALSE


var returnVal = true;

var stringVal = "";



// Try to reference the Session object, which is only provided by the MSI runtime engine

stringVal = Session.Property("ProductCode");


catch (thisException)


// An exception is only thrown if the runtime couldn't resolve Session, which means

// this script is not running under MSI

returnVal = false;


return returnVal;


function SafeGetActiveXObject( className )

// Creates an instance of className and returns it, or null if an error occurs, and logs the error


var returnVal = null;



returnVal = new ActiveXObject(className);


catch (createException)


LogMessage("SafeGetActiveXObject: Error " +createException.number+ " creating object of class " +className+ ": " +createException.message);


return returnVal;


function EnsureEndsInBackslash( directoryPath )

// Returns directoryPath ending in a backslash if it does not already end in one.


var returnVal = directoryPath;

if (returnVal.substring(returnVal.length, returnVal.length-1) != "\\")

returnVal = returnVal + "\\";

return returnVal;
